
A pioneer in the development of cannabis extraction for drug production, GrüneLabs yields medicinal cannabis to treat neurological diseases and other pathologies.


The first stage of the production cycle begins with the proper propagation of the seedlings, taking care of the genetic profile and thus achieving standardization in the crop.


In the second stage of the cycle, the plants are transferred to the vegetation rooms where they develop, increasing their leaf area and preparing for the entry to prayer.


The company has the necessary facilities that allow the plants to qualify for their different growth stages, accompanied by a traceability system from the beginning.


The harvested material is received in the vegetative area to be dried and vacuum-packed properly.

Grüne Labs yields singular medicines to treat neurological diseases and other pathologies.

Analysis Certificated

Guaranteed and Analyzed by:

GrüneLabs is a global biopharmaceutical company with operations in Uruguay, and Portugal.

+598 2291 4543

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Pando
91000, Pando

Departamento de Canelones

Parque Industrial Gardunha Sul

Estrada Nacional 18, km 80,5

6005-300 | Soalheira

Castelo Branco