| Uruguay

At the Technological Park of Pando, we investigate the development of botanical extracts for medicinal purposes.

This institution collaborates with GrüneLabs allowing preliminary tests, development of extracts at laboratory scale, development and analytical technical validation of determination of active principles, accelerated stability study, development of pilot-scale extracts, natural stability studies, training and analysis during production.

The expected result is the generation of an extract that serves as raw material for the development of medicinal products able to treat various pathologies. These products will come forward in pharmacies and hospitals in Uruguay, and the surplus allocated for export.​

Grüne Labs is a global company dedicated to cannabis cultivation and extraction for medicinal use located in the Pando Scientific and Technological Park (PCTP).

Since August 29th 2019, IRCCA approved a license that has as its object the cultivation, harvest, multiplication of plant material, drying and collection of plant material from the Cannabis sativa L plant.

In September 2020, the Ministry of Public Health granted the authorization of our laboratories and, in March 2021, the Ministry of Public Health granted the extension.


Our R&D department works together with the University of the Republic and has the support of the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (ANII) to obtain a wide variety of information from scientists in universities all over the world.

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GrüneLabs is a global biopharmaceutical company with operations in Uruguay, and Portugal.

+598 2291 4543

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Pando
91000, Pando

Departamento de Canelones

Parque Industrial Gardunha Sul

Estrada Nacional 18, km 80,5

6005-300 | Soalheira

Castelo Branco